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October 2014 Newsletter

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Is Your Genealogy Done?

For each issue of our newsletter, I look for an unusual article to underscore the variety of things that can be found in newspapers. The offbeat, the unusual.

Painting: Ingolf tager Island i besiddelse, signed P. Raadsig and dated 1850. It depicts IngÓlfr Arnarson, the first settler of Iceland, arriving in what would become ReykjavÍk, Iceland, in 874 A.D. Source: Wikipedia.

This month I found an interesting article about Iceland that leads me to ask: is your genealogy done? Have you tracked down every twig and branch of your family tree? I have been researching family history for over 50 years and I get asked that all the time.

Now that incredible resources like GenealogyBank and FamilySearch are plowing through centuries of records, indexing and putting them online, that is starting to be possible.

But — if your ancestors are from Iceland — you're in luck.
Because in that case, your genealogy is "done."
It is online and available 24/7.

Could it be true?
Is that possible?

Yes — you can read about it in "How Iceland's Genealogy Obsession Leads to Scientific Breakthroughs," Olga Khazan's article in the Atlantic (New York City, New York) 7 October 2014.

So — if all of Iceland's genealogy is done — what do Icelandic genealogists do now?

They dig for the stories.
It is the stories of our ancestors that spark our interest. They become memorable.

Dig for your ancestors' stories in the old newspapers in GenealogyBank.
Keep and preserve their stories.